August 2017 Daily Reflection with Teacher!

by Aug 2017

This post is part of a monthly series of complimentary channelings from Miriandra Rota. Each month you will find a new channeled guidance, sometimes from Expanded Consciousness, Merlin, The Divine Mother, The Seven Teachers, and many surprise โ€œguestsโ€!

โ€œI am Teacher and I have heard your voices, asking for assistance on this: How can I be relieved of the struggle to stay afloat? How can I make ends meet? How can I stay true to my spiritual principles and still try to make more money? That seems to be most of it, my dears, and here is your answer…โ€


โ€œGreetings! I am most pleased to come forth and speak with you in this manner. I am Teacher and the topic that I am choosing is one that you have chosen and I have heard your voices, asking for assistance on this: How can I be relieved of theย struggle to stay afloat? How can I make ends meet? How can I stay true to my spiritual principles and still try to make more money? That seems to be most of it, my dears, and here is your answer, though I believe you will initially not be pleased with it, but upon deeper reflection will realize you knew the answer all along. So, here we go!

โ€œFirstly, there is no spiritual principle against having money or trying to make more money. That is an old belief set forth long long ago, when the consciousness was more asleep and when many believed that to be true. You see, money is here for your use. And yes, at times it seems as though more than โ€œfor your useโ€; it is here as a necessity. Well, that is true. But something comes before, before the need to have more money. And no, this isnโ€™t a talk about what you are doing wrong. More so, it is a talk about who you are and what you can do about this struggle with money.

โ€œSo take a deep breath and just let go of trying to squeeze what you want out of this speaking, let go and just relax and receive what you are calling forth. And at the end of this speaking, perhaps you will understand in a deeper way the ease of changing your relationship with money and how it is made manifest for you.

โ€œAdmitting that you are struggling with not enough money to meet your needs, admitting that you donโ€™t have enough to go forth with your next project, or admitting that you are tired of living what you call โ€œby the boneโ€… all of this admitting takes courage. It might feel like defeat, but it is not. It is getting real.

โ€œIf you have been doing the same thing over and over again and still do not have enough money, then something is wrong with that picture. Your trying hard isnโ€™t wrong. More so, it is of the old way. And right here I am not saying that there is no action involved, and that action might feel like trying hard simply because it seems to go against old beliefs. Ah! So here we enter into the real talk between you and me.

โ€œYou see, I would like to see you living the life you were meant to live. Oh, Iโ€™m not talking about becoming a millionaire, though that isnโ€™t right or wrong. More so, I am talking about living a life of ease, of comfort where you are able to let your โ€œtrying hardโ€ take a rest, a little vacation.

โ€œHere is the beginning of this secret-revealed. Most of you know this truth,, but I will speak it again for those who are new to this truth and also for those who require a little refresher. Now this is going to sound like it is nothing, that it is perhaps a given. But this beginning of my talk is the foundation of all of the rest.

โ€œYou see, you know that you are a divine being, incarnate. Yet you are missing a point here. Incarnate means that are residing in a vessel, in fact two vessels. One is the body-physical, which you need to be incarnate; and the other is human nature. So here you are, a divine being, divine essence flowing forth to reside incarnate, and you are residing in two vessels.

โ€œNow what Iโ€™d like to talk about is your human nature vessel, the one that holds the persona through which you experience your own journey. That human nature is a survivor. Oh, it sure is. It will continue to struggle, to try hard, to try to figure put better ways to make money. And it will continue in this manner until… ready? … until you, the divine consciousness of that which is you, is present… and yes, takes over.

โ€œNow how does this happen? Here is the answer to the entire dilemma about money. When you reflect upon the truth that you are not your human nature, you are not your body-physical, but you are that divine consciousness residing within both of those vessels; then, my dears, you are beginning to fulfill the purpose you were meant to fulfill.

โ€œYou see, you all seem to get it that you are here to anchor truth and light. How do you do that? Well, my dears, you are conscious. Do you see? Iโ€™m not talking about being awake to truths. Iโ€™m not even talking about understanding truths. More so, I am talking about being who you really are and being those truths. Now this might begin to seem illusive, but stay with me and I will make everything so practical that you will hardly believe how easy this is.

โ€œFirstly, there is a process. It is this. Sit quietly and reflect upon this truth. Your human nature has been going it alone, without its divine consciousness… you. Whenever you feel as though you are struggling or feel as though things just arenโ€™t falling into place for you, then that is the signal from your human nature. The signal is a calling for help. And the help comes from you, from your divine consciousness, the real you.

โ€œYou see, itโ€™s time for you to build a good relationship with that human nature, through which you journey upon earth. Remember, you are not the โ€œpersonโ€. You are the divine essence residing within that person, within that human. The first thing that you can do to build a better relation with your human vessel is to become grateful for all that it has done… without your help. You have all experienced a great deal of some kind of struggle. That has been due to your journey toward awakening incarnate.

โ€œRemember, studying truths and understanding truths does not constitute an awakening. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with studying and understanding truths. Yet, there is something more about your own divine self that you might like to know. You see, you are the truth itself. Divine essence IS truth flowing forth to take form: you. But the truth-that-you-are doesnโ€™t reside in words. It resides in the vibrational frequency of you. So then, how do you get to know more of yourself so that you, the real you, can have a better relationship with that vessel, your human? Ah! Here we go!

โ€œIf you are still following my words, then you have taken a giant step toward getting real, admitting that your human has struggled to its best ability…and still is struggling. That means that it is your turn, your turn to relief that wonderful human within which you reside. How do you do that? Easy.

โ€œFirstly, let go of the idea that the human IS your identity. Reflect upon that. Breathe deeply and reflect upon the fact that you are an essence of being, a divine essence of being that resides, that lives within the human, within that body-physical. But the real you IS that divine beingness. Once you have accomplished the letting go of who you thought you were, then continue in this manner.

โ€œSit quietly or walk in nature. Sometimes if you place yourself in a meditative state, you are more able to let go of your vessels and become more aware of that which is within. Now this letting go and discovering the real you isnโ€™t a search for anything. More so, the letting go allows you to know more of your own beingness. Yes, you might have to practice letting go of your thinking, of your worries and concerns about the cause and effect of your physical journey. You can do that, my dears; letting go of all of that is simply a choice, a decision, and then the action, while sitting quietly, to refuse to engage with any thought, worry or concern that comes to you. There are meditations that can help you with that.

โ€œIt is almost as if you are connecting with your own inner guidance, but where does that guidance come from? It comes from your divine consciousness, the real you. When you continue in this practice, yes, different awarenesses come to you, perhaps solutions to issues, perhaps answers to questions; but more so, residing in this manner give you a treasure. It is this.

โ€œThe real you can know, in the moment, what is the best direction to take, the best investment in energy. The real you relieves the human, your human vessel, of its struggling. And here is where the communication takes place. Tell your human nature that you are grateful for all of the struggling that it has done. Now some of you are going to do that right away, and others might think this is a bit silly. If you are in the second category, then you are deciding to let your human struggle without you, you are deciding to keep on with the old ways that no longer work for you. So, take a deep breathe and dare, dare to try this… to really try it. Let go of your conclusions. How can you have conclusions before you have the experience? Aha!

โ€œSo then, begin to communicate with your human nature and tell him or her that you are here now, you are the divine essence that resides within the body and within that human. You are here to take care of everything. Thank your human for doing such a good job in surviving until you awakened. Tell your human that it can rest and that its only job is to play, to laugh, to have enjoyment, that you will take care of everything else.

โ€œNow you might be thinking or wondering how you will do that. Yes, now we are getting to the crux of this talk. The foundation has been made and now we can talk about how you, the real you, can make better decisions, can allow โ€” and yes, the word is allow โ€” direction and ideas to come to you that will benefit your journey, that will give to you all that is necessary for your next phase of that journey.

โ€œNow what is necessary, regarding money, might be just enough for the next part of your journey. For some, there is a large amount that comes and it might seem that it is the answer, but it is not. It is only the money.

โ€œWhen you continue within your practice to let go of your assumed identity and reside within… within your being so that you are consciously awake to your own divine essence of being; when you practice in that manner, you will be able to know what is the best direction. You will feel it. It will sing in your heart.

โ€œBut that isnโ€™t the final answer. That is just the beginning of perhaps a new direction or an answer to your need for money. The next part is to continue in the same manner and wait for further directions. Now donโ€™t be anxious about this. Why? Well, my dears, it is your old habit to get an idea that seems to be wonderful and then to take hold of it and what you call โ€œmake it happen.โ€ But that isnโ€™t the new way now.

โ€œOnce you have your idea, your idea for perhaps the next phase of what you will do to participate in creating an avenue for your financial abundance; then, return and ask or allow the manner in which you will go forth with that idea. How. How will you go forth. And you might have to wait for this answer because, as I have mentioned, you will be letting go of all of those ideas that come forth from your past, ideas of how to go about everything. This is different. It is a feeling, sometimes a soft feeling. But I say, my dears, allow that soft feeling to continue to be, to continue to carry to your consciousness the best way. It will come.

โ€œNow it might now present itself in a concrete idea, in concrete cause and effect solutions. It might come in a different way, and here you will need to remain awake. What do I mean by that? Perhaps you will be having a conversation with someone and they will speak of a way to do certain things. And, perhaps that is your answer. You will know. How? Because you will get that soft feeling again, a hint to pay more attention. Still, that might be only a piece of the puzzle. Keep on paying attention. Perhaps you will be watching something on your television or reading a book, and regardless of the topic on the screen or in the book, an idea will come to you. Pause and pay attention. Perhaps write it down.

โ€œWhy would it come to you in this way? You are busying your conscious mind, you are busying your thoughts with watching or reading, and that allows that inner message to flow upward easily because you are not trying to squeeze out the answer, you are allowing. Allowing is a wonderful practice. If fact, it is the necessary practice.

โ€œWhen you have your answers, your new direction or project or perhaps a different way of viewing everything; it is then that I ask you to sit quietly and write it down. This assists it to become fully incarnate. When you are writing, something else will come to you, perhaps a little missing ingredient. Write down your entire plan. And then let it sit for a day or so. Then return to it and go over everything, but! Donโ€™t go over with through your humanโ€™s thinking. Remember, that human is very good at surviving and that is not what you want to continue. You want to live in a better way, a more financially abundant way. So, when you go over the entire plan, sit quietly and bring yourself to that peaceful state of consciousness, that meditative state, where you are letting go of the physical cause and effect and directing your n to rest. Then! Oh then, my dears, you will see, you will feel, you will know what you are to do and the best way to proceed.

โ€œNow, will this bring you a big pile of money? Yes and no. That is, you are just beginning with residing within the way that you have always been meant to live. It takes practice. It takes practice to let go of the old survival ways. It takes practice to recognize when your humanโ€™s survival techniques are taking over. And it takes courage to let go, to thank that human but โ€œno thanksโ€, and then to once again go within to the real you.

โ€œThis may seem as though it will not work, but I have to ask you: what other choice to you have? Will you choose to continue to struggle, to be a victim of your own life because you canโ€™t seem to figure out how to make enough money? Oh, my dears, I do not want to see you do that. I would love to see you grab on to this real way of living and to thrive within it, to discover ease of living, to discover what it is like to reside in the moment and not in the regrets of the past or the fears of the future.

โ€œYou see, right here and right now is really where you always are.

โ€œAll right now, I believe that is enough for this little chat. I do encourage you to perhaps re-read all that you have called forth; let it sink in, as you have the phrase. And begin, dare, dare to begin to live a new way, a way that will give you an avenue up and out of your struggles, a way that will give to you the ease of living that your human so desperately wants, a way that you can bring forth, you, the divine essence of being, the real you, can do this.

โ€œThen until we speak again, I am teacher. And, you must know by now that I am most fond of you. Most fond.โ€

You may download a PDF of this channeling on the archive page.