About Miriandra Rota

It is common for the channeled energy of Pretty Flower to kiss a hand or a brow…

Internationally known…
as one of the clearest channels on the planet, author, lecturer, and deep level channeler, Miriandra Rota has been working in the field of spiritual exploration for over thirty years.
Her experiences as a psychic child were explored in the magazine Venture Inward published by the Association of Research and Enlightenment. Her channeling story is told at length in Henry Leo Bolduc’s book, Journey Within: Past Life Regression and Channeling and as the introduction to the book Pathways & Parables for a Changing World. Dr. Henry Reed also explores Miriandra’s work in two books: Edgar Cayce on Channeling Your Higher Self and Developing Your Psychic Ability. Her expanded consciousness journeys are described in Michael L. Schuster’s book, Masters of Shambala.
Channeling of the long-time favorite Pretty Flower can be found in two books, Welcome Home – A Time for Uniting and Pathways & Parables for a Changing World.
Through communication with dragons, Miriandra channeled their story as it was given, published in the book Dragon Fire – Secrets of the Last Dragons.
Her channeling of Merlin, Expanded Consciousness, The Divine Mother, the Consciousness of the Children of the Earth, the Angels who Watch Over Us, and many many others can be found on this website, as well as her channeling of Kahlil Gibran which can be found in the book The Prophet’s Last Breath!
Miriandra’s channeling is a long-time favorite in the magazine, Sedona Journal of Emergence! Her channelings were also found in the e-zine (on line magazine) Cosmic Lighthouse.
Sir George Trevelyan stated of Miriandra’s channeling, “…a fine example of channeling at its best…of profound significance for the spiritual awakening of our time.”
- Over 30 years experience in channeling
- Over 25 years experience in assisting others to open to guidance
- Hundreds have attended her channeled programs, intensives and workshops
- Over 3,000 private channeled soul sessions
- 5 published books
- 12 Channeled Books & Energetics
- Multiple Audio Programs, Transformational Health Series
Sought after around the world for her channeled workshops and intensives, Miriandra is a dynamic speaker and her workshops are alive, interactive and inspiring.

Color Photos of Pretty Flower by Robert L. Zimmers
Black & White photo of Miriandra by Iren Valentin
Contact by email or write to Visionary Works Publishing!, PO Box 81, Troutdale, VA 24378