Choose from My Personalized Sessions

Your Personal Channeled  Soul Session!

Your Personal Channeled Soul Session!

You are invited to schedule your own Personal Channeled Soul Session! Your Powerful Personal Session can Give you guidance on your own topics Answer questions on major – and minor – issues Call forth Expanded Consciousness Truths that apply to your Personal Spiritual...

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Your Personal Awakening Session

Your Personal Awakening Session

Understand your past awakenings? Avoid learning the same lessons over and over? Be freed from your recurring beliefs? Enjoy the life you are meant to have? Discover fulfillment, joy, delight, and inner peace? Now You Can! For the First Time Ever! 
Awakenings Live your...

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Your Relationships Across Time Session

Your Relationships Across Time Session

Have You Wondered??? I feel so close to my best friend, I wonder if we've had other lives together? I wonder what my past-life histories are with my Mom? I wonder that my past-life histories are with my Dad? I wonder... did I know my husband in other lifetimes? I...

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Your Soul Purpose Session

Your Soul Purpose Session

Have You Wondered???? What is my Real Soul Purpose? What can I do to fulfill my Soul Purpose for this lifetime? Have I any unfulfilled past-life or other-realm Soul Purpose? Do I have any Soul Purpose connected to my family, friends, or other people in my life? What...

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Uplifting!Your personal channeled session!

Your personal channeled session!

Opening and Clearing the Pathway of Your Journey! What is the primary challenge or issue that you are facing today? What is really bothering you? What is preventing you from your open pathway, your journey of fulfillment? Learn the spiritual history and solution to...

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Communications withYour Departed Loved One

Communications with
Your Departed Loved One

This session, Communication with Your Departed Loved One, is a gentle session… And calls forth the revealed journey that your loved one has experienced since departing from physicality. Some have said that the treasure of this session is that it gave them the...

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Communications withDeparted Beloved Creatures and Pets

Communications with
Departed Beloved Creatures and Pets

A popular session that offers you the opportunity to communicate with a departed pet and to receive a return communication! Many folks are surprised by the soul histories of their pets and are enriched by the message that their pet sends to them. It was believed that...

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Communications withYour Beloved Creature or Pet!

Communications with
Your Beloved Creature or Pet!

This lovely and fulfilling session focuses upon your living pet and gives you the opportunity to establish an avenue of communication! Your statements, questions and/or topics are offered to your pet... and your pet’s response is usually easily received! Long ago when...

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