October 2017 Daily Reflection with Divine Mother

by Oct 2017

This post is part of a monthly series of complimentary channelings from Miriandra Rota. Each month you will find a new channeled guidance, sometimes from Expanded Consciousness, Merlin, The Divine Mother, The Seven Teachers, and many surprise โ€œguestsโ€!

โ€œThere have been many recent horrific events that pull at our heart strings and cause us to gasp at the news of the next and the next. Please help us with these ongoing tragedies.

I am your Divine Motherโ€ฆand I come forth to speak with you, to assist you to heal your heart and to discover ways that you can assist those who suffer greatly for the loss of loved ones.โ€

โ€”Divine Mother

โ€œMy dear children, though perhaps these words are not what you would like to receive, the truth remains that battles have been occurring upon earth for a very long time. Again and again there have been those battles, those manners of eradicating or attempting to eradicate scores of people simply because they are different or too great in number or perhaps the leader just needs to show power. What is this all about? It is this.

โ€œDuring times of great battle — and now is one of those times where the investors in the sleep state continue to cause suffering of the masses — there is an avenue through which can be found redemption, relief from suffering, and more so, a way of living that will give to you inner peace, deep inner peace.

โ€œLong ago the many who will receive these words did come forth to reside in a lifetime upon earth, this current lifetime and this current earth. And it was proposed that those who entered physicality and lived as human beings would continue upon a magnificent journey, the journey of awakening wherein there would be a releasing of the suffering of survival’s grasp and an embracing of an easy breath, a full heart, and a natural rhythm of residing incarnate.

โ€œYou are those beings and this manner of living is for you. Now you are asking about the horrors that reside upon earth, those that have been occurring most recently. Still, the answer is to find that deep inner peace within the depth of your being, to discover how to let go of anger and hatred, and to choose to discover the truth of who you really are. Now all of this might seem to you to be moot in the face of tragedy, but it is not moot. It is the lifesaver during these times.

โ€œRemember, the answer to your needs does not reside in moving around physicality.

โ€œThere are those who are most adept at moving around physicality to deliver to themselves that which they desire. However, if you are reading these words, you are different in that you are here for a deep purpose, the purpose that I have mentioned. You are here to let go of the old ways, to let go of long-ago events that caused resentments to build within your thoughts, to let go of fears that rest upon survival and its demands that you take some kind of action based upon those pretend fears. Oh yes, those fears feel quite real…until.

โ€œUntil you stop for a moment, bring yourself to a peaceful state, and reflect. What are you reflecting upon? What is the real reason for your fear? Are your projecting into the future and then reacting to what has not occurred yet or might never occur? You see, the fears truly do not have a foundation in reality.

โ€œThen, when you begin to recognize truth, truth even in the moment, you are daring to let go of the old ways. And the good news is that you are then ready for stepping into your real purpose, while stepping out of the reactionary sleep state.

โ€œNow it isn’t a crime to be in a sleep state. All beings are residing in some level of the sleep state. You see, my dear children, in order to have continued awakening, there must be some type of sleep to awake from.

โ€œThen once you begin to become more aware of what is occurring in your being, what emotions are perhaps preventing you from fulfilling your purpose of anchoring truth and light during the most difficult times; then you are able to breathe your holy breath into the whole, and there within the whole, there comes a shifting. Sometimes the shifting flows forth as ripples of stories that come to you, stories that fill your being, nourish your heart and give to you a way out of the suffering.

โ€œHow can you find your way out of the suffering when such tragedies occur? The truth is, it is not easy if you have been directly affected by tragedy. There is a moment when your entire being resides in shock and you are as if numb. Next comes emotions, either sadness, anger, or both, a stepping back from the current moment simply because the current moment is too difficult to reside within. Perhaps it takes days or months to begin to reside in the present moment once again. And perhaps it takes longer to recover from deep loss.

โ€œI hope that you will not allow anyone to tell you that you are wrong, that you should be a certain way, that you should forgive, that you should get on with your life. You see, this is your journey. When you are ready, you will go forth once again. Yet now you are residing in a process of recovering and healing. You cannot hurry your recovery or your healing. Yet you can assist in your own healing. How?

โ€œWrite on paper your experience. Write your feelings, your thoughts and any message to any beings who have passed from physicality as the direct result of horrific events. Be sure to do this. And when you have finished writing, place your hands upon the papers, perhaps upon the closed journal, and say the words, “So be it.” This only means that you have completed the first part of your own healing. At this moment you may feel that you will never heal, but my dear one, you will.

โ€œNext, walk in nature. Take the time to observe nature and while you are observing nature, be certain that you are not allowing your thinking mind to be so busy with its own thinking that you actually are not viewing nature but are simply presenting your body while your consciousness remains somewhere else. That is all right. It is not a crime if that happens. Yet, when you recognize that your thinking is pulling you away from the present moment, bring your attention to where you are and really look at nature, at the trees, at the grasses, at any creatures that are about you. Really cause yourself to pay attention.

โ€œWhen you are able to really pay attention, then recognize that there is a natural rhythm to nature and then when you feel the moment, take a deep breath as if you are breathing in that natural rhythm, pause for a moment, and when you breathe outward, breathe outward your suffering. Proceed in this manner three times my dear one. You will be amazed at the wondrous healing that can occur if you truly participate in this manner. Remember reading about how to do something is not the same as participating.

โ€œNext, bring a bottle of water with you and go to a large body of water. When you are present before the large body of water, either a lake, river or even the ocean, allow the frequencies of that water to flow forth to you. You might think that you will not feel those frequencies, yet I say to you, if you will present yourself and actually view the water and feel its presence, you will be surprised at the gift of what you will experience.

โ€œNext, reflect on these words: one drop of water is still water. When you pour the water in a bottle into the large body of water, all water returns to one. There is then no separation from the whole. In a like manner, when you view the water in your bottle as the breath of divine love and you sip some of that water, reflecting upon the divine love that fills you, you are beginning to return to your own wholeness of being.

โ€œThen, when you pour the water into the lake, river, or ocean, you are allowing your illusionary separation from the whole to be released. It is as if you are choosing, in that moment, to allow yourself to be made whole once again. Breathe deeply and rest, perhaps sitting near the water and breathe deeply, residing in peace.

โ€œThen my dear one, when you are ready, when you have healed enough to be able to stand erect, breathe deeply and enter your day, pause for a moment and call Me forth, Your Divine Mother. I will come to you and enfold you into my arms of Divine Love. Together will we go forth into the next phase of your journey.

โ€œIn this way do you assist yourself and then when you are able, you will choose to bring yourself to a peaceful manner, breathe deeply and when you breathe outward, breathe outward into the whole of humanity, breathing out love, peace, hope, hope-fulfilled, relief from suffering, and healing, being made whole once again.

โ€œYou may think that you will have to heal more before you can go forth in this manner, yet once you participate a first time and then a second time, you will feel your own being whole and you will then know that you have crossed the bridge over the land of suffering and have found your home once again. You home rests within the Heart of Your Divine Mother.

โ€œI am calling you now, come and heal your being. I am waiting for your conscious choice to reside within My Heart once again. You see, you never really leave Me, but your conscious awareness of your home has returned to sleep and your home is waiting for your consciousness knowing once again.

โ€œTruth. Begin this process and dare to give to yourself a manner of being that will deliver wholeness of being, a way of residing incarnate that is the fulfillment of your purpose, set forth long long ago, perhaps before the beginning of time. Yet that is another story.

โ€œI am with you always, even beyond the end of time. I am Your Divine Mother.โ€

You may download a PDF of this channeling on the archive page.

Photo by James Douglas on Unsplash