January 2025 Daily Reflection with The Holy One

by Jan 2025

This post is part of a monthly series of complimentary channelings from Miriandra Rota. Each month you will find a new channeled guidance, sometimes from Expanded Consciousness, Merlin, The Divine Mother, The Seven Teachers, and many surprise “guests”!

“There is an uplifting going on and you have the opportunity to recognize it.”

—The Holy One

“Greetings, I am Holy One. It is a name that has been given to me and I neither accept or deny the name. After all, we are all the recipients of various names and what are called nick-names. I am pleased to have the opportunity to come forth and speak with you all, for this has been called a time of challenges, of difficulties and perhaps of grave wars and consequences. I wish to speak with you about how to reside while all this cause and effect is occurring.

“I believe it must be remembered that this lovely planet called Earth has been a planet of war for a very long time. There have been wars that have taken the entire populations upon the planet and then through different adjustments by many beings, the planet was repopulated again…and again…and again. And now there are those who wish to see Earth be uplifted so that there will not be those wars that take the populace from the surface of the earth.

“These ones who are stepping in to assist Earth are most honorable and have been residing upon different planets and within star systems for a very long time. They have observed the many changes upon Earth and have now determined to assist in the turning of the frequencies so that Earth and its populace can be uplifted into a manner of being that will allow Earth to be part of a gathering of planets and their inhabitants that hold Truth and Peace above all else.

“Now it is not important who these beings are. The most important factor is what I truly want to speak with you about. You see, with the help of these beings then there is a great hope for Earth and its beings to be uplifted in such a manner that you all, all who receive these words and even those who do not receive these words, can rest in peace, can sigh with relief from the struggles, and can finally…yes, I say finally…begin to remember the way that you have been called to live, the way that you can even know your own beingness, and the way that the cause and effect can release its detrimental illusionary creations and begin to be restored, restored to the loveliness that resides within the inner chambers of your being.

“Now what does all this mean to you now? It means that there is an uplifting going on and you have the opportunity to recognize it. Of course there are many manners of efforting to control how you think and feel and then live. These manners have been going on for a very long time, perhaps most of some of your lives. I wish to say clearly that the words and explanations for what is occurring upon earth are perhaps even one hundred percent created, created to control your glimpse at truth. You see, your glimpse of truth tells you that there is something wonderful occurring and it has nothing to do with the cause and effect, with the news, with the rights and wrongs. The glimpse that you have can give to you a way out. Out of what? Out of being used to further the illusionary power of those who want to continue to rule Earth and of course, then rule you.

“This glimpse is one of what has always been meant for you, for your living, for your inner peace, for your freedom to be creative, to be loving, to be kind, and to be the recipient of the same. You see, the frequencies of the controlling of Earth and its inhabitants might be powerful simply because it has a foundation that has been present for that very long time.

(continued below)

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“Yet I, Holy One, call you to dare to take a few moments away from the attempt to control you, by either the right or wrong, and to allow your spirit to breathe deeply and feel what it would be like to be free, to be freed of the burden to survive, freed of the burden to love or be loved, and free to discover what this Earth is really about and what the paradise can give to you, each and every one of you.

“You are all most ready to be uplifted. You have been ready and will continue to be ready. Why not take this moment to be ready right now for the uplifting of your spirit? You, personally, you who receive these words from me, Holy One. Why not take this moment and set aside everything that has been begging you to pay attention to, begging you to have opinions, begging you to hate or to refuse a being his or her own right to live…set all that side… Now it doesn’t mean that you do not care about all of that. Yet I say to you, there is something else to care about. It is your spirit.

“So then, take this moment to be ready and to feel within your being that peace, that feeling of being taken care of, that relief from struggle. Give it a try, why don’t you. Give it a try. I am with you and I will assist you to have that glimpse. And within the glimpse there is the parting of the seas of that illusionary control. Within the glimpse there is the flowing forth of what is real. You are real and the paradise that you resided within you long ago within the first residing upon Earth is real. It is already part of you. It is sitting right inside your spirit.

“And when you have paused for this moment, then perhaps in the next day you will do the same. What will occur? The glimpse will become longer and more nourishing. Your spirit will recognize the reality, the paradise that is yours and always has been yours. And the truth is, my dear lovely beings, no one can take that paradise from you.

“Even those who wish to completely control Earth and its habitants, and you also, cannot take this paradise from you. They would like to. But they cannot. Why? Because their frequencies are not a match to your paradise. You are a match to your paradise.

“Now my words are not make believe. I wish you to know about this. I wish you to know that there are many who are helping you to not only have a glimpse of your paradise, but also hold you within their caring. You are not alone in this glimpse, you are not alone in this new journey that awaits your presence. The entirety of the Universe is cheering you on.

“Do you see? The entirety is tired of seeing the illusionary power’s presence upon Earth. That is the real power, isn’t it? The love that the All has for you. You. Feel it and embrace it. I implore you to catch that glimpse. It’s just the beginning of your return to Holiness of Being, Just the beginning of Earth’s freedom. And just the beginning of the releasing of illusionary power and the celebrating of the freedom to be.

“I, Holy One, am so very proud of you. You have struggled and emerged from the struggle. And now you are being tempted to catch a glimpse of your paradise. Why not take that glimpse?

“I, Holy One am most pleased to have the moment with you, this moment wherein we have shared the frequencies of Truth and more so, of Peace and Love.

“Until we speak again, I place before you a platter filled with the possibilities of fulfillment as they reside within you, within your paradise.

“Then I speak the words so be it.

“So be it.

You may download a PDF of this channeling on the archive page