July 2024 Daily Reflection with The Light Beings

by Jul 2024

This post is part of a monthly series of complimentary channelings from Miriandra Rota. Each month you will find a new channeled guidance, sometimes from Expanded Consciousness, Merlin, The Divine Mother, The Seven Teachers, and many surprise “guests”!

“We are the Light Beings and we come forth to speak with you, glorious beings who reside upon earth, to bring news that you have been waiting for. It is time for rejoicing!”

—The Light Beings

“We are the Light Beings and we come forth to speak with you, glorious beings who reside upon earth, to bring news that you have been waiting for. This is that news.

“It is time for rejoicing. This is Truth. Some may have felt the reason for rejoicing and some perhaps have not.. yet. The reason for the rejoicing is that the earth consciousness has shifted. We would say that in another way. The earth’s consciousness and those who reside upon earth have resided in the shifting of the consciousness. What does this mean? It means this.

“For a very long time in the keeping of time, there has been a knowing that this would be the moment for the inhabitants upon earth to shift their consciousness, to uplift their residing and leave behind those frequencies of suffering and survival, and to embrace the many forms of Truth. And, our dear beloved ones, this has occurred.

“Now this means that there will be a shifting in the manners in which the people reside. It means that those who are holding control over the suffering masses, holding control for the benefit of themselves only, will find that their control is not only weakening but is dissolving. Fear not for how this will occur.

“You see, our beloved ones, you are now cared for in many ways that were not yet possible during the possibility of the shifting consciousness. There are now those who were observers and are now caregivers of you, those ones who have dared to let go of the untruth, dared to hold within themselves the love of all beings, the caring of and for all beings, and who have come to the full knowing that All is One. Some have tried very hard to understand how this can be. Taht is all right. You see, trying hard to understand is a manner of shifting consciousness. It is the wanting to know that has pulled you into the frequencies that hold you dear, and deliver to you the Truth of One and the salvation from such deep soul suffering.

“Your suffering is over. Do you hear those words? Your suffering is over. You might find yourselves saying that you do not trust these words. That is all right. For there will begin to unfold those changes that will prove to you that you truly have a choice. And that choice is to let go of the old ways, the old ways of judging, of hating, of separateness, of declarations of ending the lives of the suffering, of the many. You have been able to let go of those old ways and in so doing, you have begun the journey, the real journey into truth. And it is Truth that holds you now. Even if you do not know the words of Truth, you know that there is residing within your being a taste… what is the taste? It is the taste of Peace. Deep Inner Peace. Deep inner peace is the absence of fear, our beloved ones. Deep inner peace is the celebrating of Truth made manifest in this present moment.

“Now there will be those challenges to this peace, there will be challenges from those who have been accustomed to controlling you, controlling how you think, controlling how you live, controlling how much money you have or work to have, controlling your right to choose for yourself, controlling what you wear, controlling how you reside within your own spiritual journey. They will, our dear ones, they will try to continue to hold on to that control. But you will not let them. How? How will you not let them? This is the way.

(continued below)


The Divine Mother’s Messages of Truth

Transforming, Uplifting and Deeply Meaningful

Hello Friends,

Something wonderful has happened! It all began last spring when a soft voice came into my consciousness, a voice that I knew well. The Divine Mother said that she would like to speak a book. She wasn’t kidding!

I began channeling the Divine Mother’s book that spring. As her words flowed forth, I came to realize that this would be no ordinary book. The teachings were deep, meaningful and entered into unexpected topics like the DNA of the Time Stream, the Whys of War, Challenging Illusion, as well as guidance for personal deep inner journeys. In the end, there were thirty-two speakings!

I am excited to announce that The Divine Mother’s Messages of Truth is now available!

Here’s what this amazing book includes:

  • Thirty-Two deep and meaningful original teachings
  • Eleven never-before-released Mystical Gold Classes with the Divine Mother
  • Seven Reflections-Over-the Years with the Divine Mother

Friends, The Divine Mother’s Messages of Truth is an amazing volume of over 400 pages filled with your adventure into some of the most expanded truths you will ever find. This is your opportunity to enter into a spiritual evolution, a pathway into the deeper truth of who you really are and who we are together!

I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to offer this volume with love and best wishes for your continued fulfilling journey,

“Within your spirit there is a spark of light, a spark of creation. It is that of you that is incarnate, that is taking form right in this moment while you receive these words of truth. And as many who have been held prisoners in the distant past and even in the present have learned, nothing can make you think a certain way if you hold to your own truth, to your own spirit, to your own inner knowing, knowing of peace, knowing of love, knowing that you are cared for in so many ways.

“There are those spirit-beings who are about you now more than ever. They are inviting you to know that you have that choice, that you have that choice of love. You have said that loving some is difficult. That is true. There is no denying that difficulty. However, once you decide to love all beings, then you are releasing your judgment of those who are difficult. You are allowing them to be their difficult selves, all while you are loving al beings, all while you are finding great relief in the ability to choose to love, to choose to allow, to choose to expand your consciousness to such a degree that the wholeness of the All That Is embraces you and you …what? You find yourselves in a different frequency. And it is this frequency that is all part of this great shift that has occurred.

“You see, first the shift has occurred and then there are those who are already awake and holding their consciousness within the Totality of One, and it is those ones who are reaching out to you now, reaching out to you to embrace you, to care for you, to invite you to dare to choose, and then assisting you to reside fully in your choice. Your choice to love. Your choice to reside in peace. Your choice to allow all beings to be who they are and at the same time, within the same breath, you are then allowing yourself to be who you are, to dare to be, to feel, to set aside that which is truly not of you, and to discover what is of you. That beauty, that appreciation of Nature and its bounty, nature and its ability to heal you, to balance your entire system so that you are able to reside in the new frequencies, the frequencies of truth and the knowing that All is One.

“This is a great time of rejoicing. You can trust this shifting. All shift happily now! That is the journey and it has occurred and continues to occur. And, our beloved ones, you are the gift to all, you are the gift to totality. You are the gift, the spirit, the frequencies that have relieved earth of its suffering, relieved earth’s inhabitants of their suffering. Now you are free and that is beyond rejoicing. It is Truth Incarnate.

“Then we, the Light Beings, come about you to breathe a great breath of celebration, to breathe a great breath of love upon your being, and to breathe into your heart of hearts that called Peace.

“Long ago you came upon earth again and again, calling forth his shifting. During some eras there was a shifting, however it was not able to maintain itself. Now there are so very many who are assisting you and all beings to maintain this glorious shifting and there then is no reason to fear.

“There is a reason to breathe deeply and to know that you are now residing within the frequencies of the All, the frequencies that hold within them the celebration of so many other beings who reside in different galaxies and upon different planets, beings who are so very pleased that this cause for celebration is true. They celebrate with you. They have been waiting and their waiting has proven to be beneficial to all beings, All.

“Now we, the Light Beings, deliver to you the frequencies of this shifting, the frequencies into your beingness. Open your heart and your being and you will receive them and then you will know, you will recognize that the shift has occurred. You are the shift. You are the love. You are the peace. You are the Totality of Being.

“Then, our beloved ones, we will temporarily depart from this speaking. Breathe deeply and be… be who you have always been meant to be. Totality.

“So be it.”

You may download a PDF of this channeling on the archive page