March 2017 Channeling with Teacher

by Mar 2017

This post is part of a monthly series of complimentary channelings from Miriandra Rota. Each month you will find a new channeled guidance, sometimes from Expanded Consciousness, Merlin, The Divine Mother, The Seven Teachers, and many surprise โ€œguestsโ€!

โ€œGreetings lovely beings! Greetings to you! I am Teacher and I come forth to speak with you, a little chat you might call it, about something that continues to be present in your lives. Letโ€™s get practical, shall we?โ€


โ€œIโ€™d like to talk about your health. Oh, I am not going to talk about all the things that you believe are imperfect with your wonderful body. More so, I want to talk with you about how to maintain a good healthy body. So, here we go!

โ€œYou see, your body is a gathering of electromagnetic frequencies that flow forth to take form for you, a vessel for your living. You already know much of what I will say to you in this little chat, but some of the things that I will say will be most helpful, I can guarantee that!

โ€œAs you know that you reside within a body, but you are not the body and it is not you, then why not treat it with care? When you have a new piece of clothing, perhaps a coat, you have invested money in that coat, you like it, and you take good care of it. Perhaps you hang it up and be sure that it is resting upon the hanger in the correct way. Perhaps you have it cleaned every so often so that it looks as pristine as you like it to be. Or, perhaps you have some new shoes and they have been purchased for your hiking purposes. You know that you must take good care of them if they are to serve you while you are hiking. I could give many many more examples. Perhaps I will give just one more. Perhaps you have a new car, a new automobile. You really like it and you take good care of it, so that it will continue to perform for you at its fullest capacity. All right, now I am sure you get the point.

โ€œWith regard to your body, there are certain eating and exercising practices that will assist your body to be at its best for you, as your vessel. And you can discover which plan is best for you. What I would like to bring to your attention is the way you consciously relate to your body, the messages that you give to your bodyโ€” either consciously or unconsciously. Therein resides the secret to maintaining your body physical.

โ€œI wonโ€™t go on and on about anything else. Iโ€™ll begin right now to teach you something, something seemingly incidental, but upon a closer examination perhaps you will think differently.

โ€œWhen you awaken in the morning, I suggest that you take a moment and fully incarnate. That is, that you place your spirit fully into your body as if you are taking on a cloak or a piece of clothing, except that this time you are fully residing n your body, your vessel. If you would for a moment in the morning, think of your body as your vessel, that which you reside within during your daily adventures, that which you reside within as you think or play or work or create. Still, if you are incarnate, you are depending upon that body to be your vessel.

โ€œSo then, take a few deep breaths, and cause your consciousness to enter that body physical through the top of your head, through your crown energy center, and then to travel down through all of the centers, all the way down to your root center, and then bring your consciousness down your legs and all the way into your feet and even into your toes. Next, bring you consciousness into your arms and all the way to your hands and your fingers. And, my dears, while you are doing just that, I ask you to refuse to think about what you have planned for the day. Just focus totally on consciously incarnating into your body, bringing your consciousness into your wonderful vessel.

โ€œNext, breathe deeply one again, and give thanks; that is, thank your body for being as perfect as it can be in the moment. Yes, it is true that some of you have aches and pains, some of you have disabilities, and some of your are just thrilled to be without any of those expressions. Still, bring your consciousness into your body and thank it for being your vessel. And donโ€™t underestimate the importance of this step.

โ€œNow that gets you ready to get out of your sleeping abode, your bed. Next I ask you to breathe some fresh air. You can do this on your stepping out of doors even as you go forth into your daily schedule. Just take a moment to breathe deeply the morning air, feeling that breath enter your lungs, only this time, I ask you to take a moment to consciously direct that breath through your entire body, including your muscles. Now I know you are ready to go off into your schedule and I again say that this will only take less than a minute. Surely you can give a minute to yourself.

โ€œThen take that deep breath and fill your lungs, breathe outward, and with the second deep breath, direct that breath toward your muscles, all of them. You can do this simply by imagining that the breath flows forth into your entire body, into all of the muscles. Now thatโ€™s easy, isnโ€™t it? Of course, it is.

โ€œNext, I ask you to take a moment during your day. You are accustomed to taking a little break from whatever you are doing and within that break, I ask you to take another moment to focus on your body. Does it, need stretching, walking around, or sitting to rest because you have been walking around or standing for a long time? You are then in this moment asking your body what it needs, you call it checking in. But take a moment and discern what it is that your body is actually requiring, what is it telling you? Do you need to drink water? D you need food? Do you need to step away from whatever you are doing and go outside and breathe the fresh air again?

โ€œOnce you have discovered what your body needs, then be sure to answer that request. You see, in this way, my dears, you are building a better relationship between your conscious awareness and your bodyโ€™s consciousness.

โ€œIt is not a crime to discover that you have been basically ignoring your bodyโ€™s needs. That happens in physicality. There is a forgetting that there is something amazing occurring. There is a forgetting that you are a spirit being and you are residing incarnate, that you are able to journey forth within this lifetime because you have a vessel, your body. Now if you think upon it, that is quite amazing.

โ€œThereโ€™s more. Here it is.

โ€œWhatever your believe about your body, determines the experience you will have. You are perhaps aware of the effects of keeping positive thoughts while you enter into different choices, challenges, play and any other activity. Keeping a positive thought about whatever you are doing determines the manner through which you experience what you are doing. Now think upon that. The statement has been around for a very long time, but have you actually accepted that fact?

โ€œThen I ask you, what is your attitude about your body? Do you think it is tooโ€ฆ that is, do you think it is too fat, too thin, too tired, too old, tooโ€ฆ? In those thoughts, you actually are criticizing your body. You are telling your body exactly how you expect it to beโ€ฆ in that day, in that moment. If you look at your body in the mirror โ€” notice I did not say โ€œlook at yourself in the mirrorโ€โ€ฆ because your body is not you, it is your vessel โ€” so, if you look at your body in the mirror and decide what you do not like about it, what are you doing? Now is the time to take notice of what is wonderful about your body, what are its strengths?

โ€œYou see, my dears, the more that you criticize your body, the less it will form itself toward your best interest. And that is a fact. Yes, I am asking you to love your body, to compliment it, to approve of the way it is right now. Take this to heart, my dears.

โ€œNext, at the end of your day, I ask you to sit quietly when you can and place your thoughts upon all that your body did for you during the day. I am sure that you will realize that your body did quite a bit for you, as your vessel. Be appreciative.

โ€œThen, during the evening or before sleep, place your consciousness once again within all of your body, beginning with your crown chakra and flowing down all of the energy centers to the root, then down your legs to your feet, and then out your arms and into your hands. This is simply being consciousness of your residing, conscious of the frequencies of the electromagnetic forming that continues to deliver to you a physical vessel. Give gratitude for the gift of all that you reside within.

โ€œNow all of this might seem to some to be a bit silly. It might seem to be too much. But again I say to you, you cannot be incarnate without that body of yours. Imagine that!

โ€œOne last practice that I believe you will discover to be quite helpful. When you are complete with the day, cleanse your energy fields. You have several different methods that you can use. One is to form a sweeping motion with your mind, sweeping through your entire auric field. Another is to clear away the patterns of all that you have come in contact with during your daily journey. Another is to clear away all thoughts, worries, concerns and opinions about any person, place or situation, giving to yourself the freedom to just be.

โ€œHowever you decide to clear away the energies of the day, proceed until you can feel clarity, freedom and that deep breath that says, so be it.

โ€œWhen you enter sleep, perhaps you would choose how you would sleep? You can consciously add to what always occurs when you are sleeping, that is, the replenishment of being. Perhaps you would say something like, I consciously call forth the full replenishment of being within this vessel, my body.

โ€œOf course there are many practices that you can participate within to help your body to remain healthy. I simply wanted to have this little chat to tell you that your consciousness determines โ€ฆ determines how you will experience your vessel. You can love it, you can criticize it, you can even hate it. But even as I say those words, you can feel the difference, canโ€™t you? Yes. And it is the loving that encourages all the systems to function to the best that they can.

โ€œIt is quite amazing that you, the spirit of you, can flow forth and reside within physicality. And yes, you have so much to do here! So much to give, too much to accomplish, so much to receive. The journey is wonderful, challenging at times, yet wonderful. All because you have a vessel within which to reside. How absolutely amazing!

โ€œThen I believe our little chat has fulfilled its purpose during this speaking. Bon voyage, as it is said, good journey to you! Until we speak again, I am Teacher.โ€

Published March 2017.

You may download a PDF of this channeling on the archive page.