May 2024 Daily Reflection with Teacher
“I would like to speak with you about the frequencies of the so much more.”
“Greetings! Greetings wondrous beings! I am Teacher and I come forth to speak with you about frequencies. You see, my dear ones, much is occurring upon earth and at times there is only a small portion of what is occurring that makes itself visible to you. Yet there is so much more and I would like to speak with you about the frequencies of the so much more. Then let’s begin, shall we?
“Long ago when the balances of frequencies forming upon the earth were that which comprised paradise, there came forth those frequencies that were from other realms, other dimensions and of course, other planets. The additional frequencies blended with that of paradise and began to transform paradise. Now many like to bring this moment into an interpretation that is the fall of paradise, but I am here to tell you that is not true. There was not a fall of paradise.
“The transforming of paradise caused that which was of the highest frequencies to enter into a manner that brought them to be as if separate from the entirety of all of paradise. Now I wish to make important the two words as if. You see, there was no separation of the frequencies of paradise. Why? Well my dears, there reason is that paradise is of wholeness of being. And the reason that it is of wholeness of being is the very fact that paradise is the expression of totality. So then what does all of this mean? It means this.
“Even when there came to be residing upon this planet of earth more and more beings from other realms, beings of different species, and as a result there was formed a more dense representation of the planet itself, there still resided the expression of paradise. As physicality became more dense, still there resided the expression of paradise. Now why is this so important? Oh you are going to love this.
“All frequencies of the whole remain within the whole. Then even though the physicality or density of earth’s surface shifted and changed and there were those ones who determined to take control of different locations of earth, paradise continued to remain. How? It remained within the frequencies that it was and is and will be… always. That is the nature of the frequencies of paradise. And, my dears, that is the nature of what comprises earth today, what comprises your experience of earth today. Paradise is.
“So then, why are we not consciously experiencing paradise today? Why are there struggles? Why are there continued horrors? The answer lies in where we place our consciousness. So then let’s talk about that a bit.
“When you place your consciousness in an expanded state… now what is that? Let’s get clear about that, shall we? You don’t necessarily have to be meditating to place your consciousness in an expanded state. You can be in nature and feeling the peace of nature and then within your own beingness. You can be remembering a time in your lifely journey when you felt love and happiness, and that memory caused you to pause and to be as if in a timelessness. Perhaps you enjoyed that timelessness and you chose to make it part of your every day. So then, there are uncountable ways to expand your consciousness. Perhaps you decided to change the way that you view others? Perhaps you decided that judging others brought you into despair or a negative manner. You felt your energies going down, you began to feel more depressed. That is a signal to you that you have lessened your participation with your expanded consciousness. And this is not a crime! It is all part of residing within a human vessel.
“So then, when you recognized this happening and you didn’t like the way you felt, you decided to change and within that change you chose a better way of thinking, one that viewed others as simply doing their best to live during these confusing and chaotic times. You might say that in your thinking you gave them a break. And that, my dears, that simple decision uplifted your consciousness.
“You see, any time that you let go of judging others, any time that you realize that you and all beings are in the soup together, and any time that you bring yourself to peace, then you are uplifting your consciousness. Now this uplifting, feeling better, is really all about frequencies. You are placing your beingness into a higher frequency.
“You see, all the frequencies are available… because of the whole… that nothing is really separate from the whole. It is only our perceptions that give the illusion of separateness and much of the separateness leads us to survival and the struggles of survival. But! When you make a simple choice as I have described, then you are removing yourself from survival and placing yourself…where? In a different frequency.
(continued below)
Hello Friends,
Something wonderful has happened! It all began last spring when a soft voice came into my consciousness, a voice that I knew well. The Divine Mother said that she would like to speak a book. She wasn’t kidding!
I began channeling the Divine Mother’s book that spring. As her words flowed forth, I came to realize that this would be no ordinary book. The teachings were deep, meaningful and entered into unexpected topics like the DNA of the Time Stream, the Whys of War, Challenging Illusion, as well as guidance for personal deep inner journeys. In the end, there were thirty-two speakings!
I am excited to announce that The Divine Mother’s Messages of Truth is now available!
Here’s what this amazing book includes:
- Thirty-Two deep and meaningful original teachings
- Eleven never-before-released Mystical Gold Classes with the Divine Mother
- Seven Reflections-Over-the Years with the Divine Mother
Friends, The Divine Mother’s Messages of Truth is an amazing volume of over 400 pages filled with your adventure into some of the most expanded truths you will ever find. This is your opportunity to enter into a spiritual evolution, a pathway into the deeper truth of who you really are and who we are together!
I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to offer this volume with love and best wishes for your continued fulfilling journey,
“And the more that you do that, the more that you are clearing the way for your recognizing the fabric of paradise. The fabric of paradise shows itself within a pulse beat. That is, it appears that it is showing itself and then not showing itself. What is happening is that paradise is part of creation, which takes form and releases form.
“Now here is the amazing news. When you continue to make the choice for allowing all beings to be as they are, when you continue to give to yourself a manner of living that produces peace, that allows you to love, and even more so, that allows you to receive love, then oh then, my dears you are closer and closer to that paradise, the frequencies of paradise.
“And the closer that you are to the frequencies of paradise, the more that it forms for you. Not in the illusion or in the distortion within physicality. That is a different frequency. Yes, all frequencies are of the whole, yet each frequency is also of itself. That is the nature of physicality. So then, when you expand your consciousness by choice, you are actually placing your consciousness in the frequencies of paradise.
“Now some call this a dimension, but I like to remember that all is one. And that means that as we enter a higher frequency, we are also residing within the whole. And the whole includes everything. Yet as we reside in a more expanded frequency, a higher frequency, we are able to then experience more of the whole. You see, when there is suffering, there is the residing in the illusion of only one way of being, survival.
“This means that paradise is. It means that it never was destroyed and never will be destroyed. It is simply residing within that higher frequency. You know, the one that you can choose to reside in by doing what we have spoken about. Yes, it is that simple.
“Now what about those ones who are residing in survival’s lower frequency? They are not doing anything terrible. They are simply residing within their journey, the way that their journey calls to them. Yet we know of course that many who are resign in that lower frequency are doing so, so that they can assist the many to awaken, to awaken to the truth that there is so much more waiting for them. You do the same thing when you see someone who is so sad or who is suffering, and you give them a hug, or you invite them for a sit-down coffee, or you send them a card or note saying that you are thinking of them. All of these actions uplift the frequencies of the survival’s density.
“You have been doing this for many many lifetimes. You are still doing it. You are assisting the all, all beings, to awaken and to step into the way that their consciousness can expand even a little and that little grows and grows until one day, one step in the day, gives to them a taste of what paradise might be. And that taste is like a magnet. You know because you have felt that magnet and it has brought you to a better place, a higher frequency and a way of experiencing your journey, a way that feels like paradise.
“Now some might say that they feel paradise a little and then it seems to disappear. That is a good description of the pulse beat of creation itself. Remember, paradise is of the whole and it will then take form and release form. Your recognizing its seeming to disappear is a signal to you that you are experiencing the essence of paradise as it is being created. This is magnificent! I know that you believe that the seeming absence of paradise, during which you seem to have some struggles, some that aren’t very nice, is a signal that you perhaps have done something wrong. But you haven’t at all. You are right in the amazing moment of the continued creation of paradise, your paradise. Hold on and bring yourself to that expanded consciousness, refuse to interpret anything as negative and watch the difficulties resolve themselves. That is the nature of the frequencies of paradise.
“Now all of this might seem to be a bit confusing, but that’s all right. You see, some of the words and combination of words hold those frequencies that invite your thinking mind to consider a different way of viewing the journey, an uplifting way. And that is what I am all about, my dears. I so very much enjoy giving to you a way to dare to understand your journey in a positive way, in a way that leads you to remember who you are, and a way to experience even that small taste of paradise, the paradise that is always about you.
“Remember, when you are experiencing something wonderful, you are experiencing the frequencies of paradise, the way of residing that has always meant to be for you. And in that moment you are placing your steppings right in the paradise. You see, it is always waiting for you, always present, and always ready to embrace that which you are.
“Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not worthy of paradise. Do not let anyone hint that you are only human and you cannot know the divine. Remember that you are the totality of everything taking form. Remember that you are residing in the same breath as paradise, the same forming as paradise. That the frequencies that you are, are the same frequencies of paradise.
“My dears, why not in this day begin to view yourself not by what you have done wrong — as many ways demand that you do, but view yourself as a lovely lovely being who is doing his or her best to awaken to the more, to awaken to the paradise that is present always, and that you are divinity itself taking form. You are that.
“Don’t let anyone tell you differently. If you have been surrounded by a belief that tells you that you are not divine, then cast aside that belief, my dears. It is part of survival’s grasp. It holds you to the suffering. When you refuse that belief, then you are free to be who you are, to discover who you really are, and then to discover the tiny magnetic pull that feels so good, so very good that you face toward it and away from the grasp of survival. And in that moment you are becoming. You are becoming who you have always been meant to be… a divine being incarnate and anchoring truth into the physicality that includes the frequency of paradise, your home.
“All right now, I am Teacher, and I am most pleased to be speaking with you, my dears. You are a real treasure to earth and to all beings. You are the magnetic pull, you see. You are it. That’s how wonderful you are. You are the magnetic pull that invites all beings to awaken, to remember, and to dare to reach toward the wonderful, letting go of those ways that refuse them paradise. That’s how wonderful you are and how important it is that you are incarnate right now.
“Then, until we meet again, I am Teacher and I speak the words so be it. Perhaps you will speak them with me? So be it.”