November 2024 Daily Reflection with Teacher

by Nov 2024

This post is part of a monthly series of complimentary channelings from Miriandra Rota. Each month you will find a new channeled guidance, sometimes from Expanded Consciousness, Merlin, The Divine Mother, The Seven Teachers, and many surprise “guests”!

Yes, there is great change occurring upon your planet, yet there is also a begging for a new and improved you, a change that can deliver to you inner peace and joy.”


“Greetings my dear ones! Greetings to you! I, Teacher, come forth to speak a little chat, for there is great change occurring. Yes, there is great change occurring upon your planet, yet there is also a begging for a new and improved you, a change that can deliver to you inner peace and joy. Remember joy? Remember delight? Remember what it feels like to be free of fears, even those subtle fears that are called concerns or being worried? Yes, I am here to deliver to you that choice. You have it already, however, you have simply set it aside. Why? Well, because of the chaos that tends to capture your attention and then programs you with how you should feel… and fear. Then let’s begin this little journey together, shall we?

“Now you are all aware of the chaos and the fear that has been generated by major changes upon the earth. And that is a good start, my dears. Once we have the recognition of what is causing us to be a bit distorted and unbalanced, then we have the beginning of peace. Why? How an that be? Remember, when we are in an objective point of view, then we are in the magnificent moment of choice. You see, think about it for a moment. When you are observing what is causing you discomfort or that heavy feeling that tends to rest upon your shoulders? You are not experiencing it. You are observing it. And in that observing you have disengaged from what it is programmed to do with your attention and your emotions, and of course your consciousness.

“So then, we are observing that the chaos has captured your attention and its purpose of defeating your hopes and fulfillments is having its way with your thoughts. Ah! And now we can recognize that this is a seeming powerful chaos. You could say it’s sneaky. As humans upon earth, many are actually captured by the news, by the despair that floats around the very air that you breathe. And that despair has no right to be with you. That’s a fact, my dears.

“Regardless of the challenges that present themselves to you in your own personal cause and effect, you can refuse to reside in despair. Why? How? Well, my dears, you are a spirit-being. Yes, you are incarnate in that human nature, in that body-physical. But let’s take a look at that fact. You are a spirit-being. This means that you are a frequency that holds within it the beautiful Truth, the Truth that you are so very much more than who you appear to be in that human nature. It is a lovely human nature, but still, it is what it is. And you are who you are.

“Within your spirit-being, as we are residing in that objective point of view, there is an inner knowing and that inner knowing brings you to conclude that what you are observing is unacceptable. You do not need to have fear dancing around you. You do not need to have that programming that the chaos is every-ready to deliver to you tiny dip into the sleep state. You see, despair is another way of saying that “I am giving up.” But you know that you cannot give up. You are here for a major purpose. You are here to enjoy your journey. You are here to radiate love and peace. You are here to dance because your feet are so happy that they cannot stay still.

(continued below)

The Sacred Text
of the
Pyramid at Chichén Itzá

What is the Sacred Text?

During a session with Ra, I was given this guidance:

“We are entering into a way that is ancient, that has been followed by many many ancient beings… We are entering this frequency to activate or to participate as they did long ago. Be prepared to do as I say, as none have entered this frequency for a very long time…”

Ra guided me on a journey and once we were located inside the capstone of a pyramid, he said this:

“This is Sacred Text which has not been given. It was withheld long ago because the consciousness shifted and there were many who were battling for the contents of these volumes. This place was sealed…for a very long time…thousands of years…and now I, Ra, have brought you here. Now I can reveal to you this is the reason that I have brought you here. You will call this text The Sacred Text of the Pyramid at Chichén Itzá.

This began an experience that I never could have imagined. Located in a secret chamber, I saw thousands of scrolls. The Keeper of the Scrolls spoke ancient words and waited until one scroll became lighted with a golden glow. He unrolled that scroll in front of me and I saw symbols that began to be alive and moving, golden symbols that flowed from the scroll and into my being.

I waited. The symbols continued to move inside of me, inside of my consciousness, and then became a speaking in an ancient language I didn’t know. Still I waited. More swirling until more words flowed forth. I recognized them and wrote them down. This Sacred Text contains those words and the frequencies that flowed forth.

When you receive this Sacred Text, the frequencies will flow forth for you. Now it is your turn. You will not be disappointed.

I wish your journey with these Sacred Texts to be one of wholeness of being, expanding consciousness and a way to enter into something amazingly deep and meaningful.

The Sacred Text of the Pyramid at Chichén Itzá is an amazing volume of more than 400 pages filled with my adventure (and your’s) into some of the most expanded truths you will ever find.

I am humbled and grateful to offer this volume with love and the best wishes for your continued fulfilling journey,

“So then in this observation from your spirit-beingness and the conclusion that what is coming to you is worthless to your happiness, then you are ready to change. It’s that simple, isn’t it. Yes. You see, even before any external action in physicality, there is the choice, the decision. Now this choice or decision is simple. Firstly you are deciding that whatever is going on, it does not have a value to you. Now this doesn’t mean that you don’t care about the suffering or the challenges to humanity. It does mean that you are in a position to choose. And let’s make this one point clear. Because of Wholeness of Being, because all beings are one being, then your choice affects… what? Your choice affects the whole. You are not expected to hold a planet’s worth of responsibilities upon your shoulders simply because you recognize this truth. That is part of the old programming. You tossed that one aside long ago.

“Life is meant to be simply joyful and fulfilling. So then, let’s get on that journey to discovering how we can be joyful and delighted in the journey. The first choice has been made. You have no use for that which has been programmed toward you, that has captured your emotions and given you a foundation of fear for your day. No. Not a chance. That’s what you are saying, isn’t it, My dears? When you say even those words, you have decided. Then what’s next? This.

“Bring yourself to nature. You don’t have to do anything but bring yourself to nature. Just be. Observe nature. Not judging or figuring out how you can help the plants and trees. You are just letting them be themselves, as you are also. Then take a few breaths. Deep breaths. Find a nice place to sit, if you choose.

“Then, my dears, perhaps you will speak these words or words of your own: I am a Divine Being. I am residing incarnate. Within this residing incarnate, I am journeying into a discovery, a discovery of remembering who I am, and a discovery of how I can choose everything…about me. By this Divine Right, then, I choose to be freed of all programming, all effects of the chaos, and all attempts to return me to the sleep state. I am awake. I have a choice and my choice is freedom from all that has been sent to me as a way of determining how I am to be. I am myself. I am here to enjoy this journey. And this is what I choose in this moment. I choose to be free, to be joyful, to be given a way to emerge from the chaos of frequencies that are no longer allowed about me by my choice. This I am and this I choose. So be it.

“Now. Just pause for a moment and allow all of that choosing to be. Why? Well, because you are who you are, my dears, then all that you have released is dissipating, is dissolving from you and from about you. You don’t have to fear it. You don’t have to fear anything about the chaos now if you are free from it. Just be. Just be in this moment, right here and right now.

“Then look around at nature once gain. Allow that peace to fill you. How? It is a perfect match to the peace that is becoming more and more, filling your entire being. That peace is the foundation for all that you choose to experience. Joy, delight, abundance, freedom, truth. Just allow that peace to be and really feel it.

“Now your human nature might want to say to you, “Yes, but…” When that happens or if that happens, just smile… really smile…and then say to your human nature, there is no “yes but”. There is only this moment and the joy that is blossoming from this moment. I am the spirit within you and I say, trust me.

“Then go about your day. Perhaps treat yourself to something that gives you a smile. Perhaps you get yourself an ice cream cone. A big one. And then sit somewhere in public and lick it until it is all gone. You see? You have even smiled at that thought. You may not ever like ice cream, but the thought of doing that makes you smile. That’s the ticket, my dears. To loosen up, allow your thoughts to be fun instead of heavy with indecision. Let your thoughts play. You know how to do this, my dears. You are just remembering now. Now because you have made the choice, an important choice. And I am most thrilled for that choice for you.

“Give this all a try, my dears. You won’t know if you just read these words but do nothing. Your thinking mind can’t know how this really feels until you have the experience. Yes. The real experience.

“I am most pleased to have this little…perhaps important…chat with you. I am most fond of you, my dears. You are so very capable of being joyful and happy.

“Then until we speak again I am Teacher and I speak the words so be it. Perhaps you will speak them with me?

“So be it.”

You may download a PDF of this channeling on the archive page