For Family and Friends, Living with Addiction: Full Set


Each Step Meditation…

  • Is created to assist you to deepen your personal experience in your recovery from addiction.
  • Guides you to enter your gentle but powerful participation with your own personal journey through each step, beginning with steps one through three.
  • Is filled with positive step recovery statements resting in a soothing background of gentle music.
  • Offers two options, one ending in waking up and continuing on with your day; and the second ending in entering relaxing sleep.
  • Is a great gift for family and friends who are recovering in any 12-step program.

This package contains all 3 Family and Friends Recovery Steps.

Your purchase is covered by my 60-day no-questions-asked guarantee.

SKU: DYRM-FF-FULL Categories: , ,


Note: These meditations are not produced by any Anonymous Program, nor are they intended to replace step studies in your recovery books or in your Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions book, which can be obtained at recovery meetings or by contacting the world service office of your particular addiction.

Additional information

Bundled Audios

Downloads Only (MP3 files), Packaged & Shipped CDs


If, after you've tried the meditations, you're not completely satisfied send me an email and I’ll refund your full purchase price (less shipping costs if you ordered the CDs). Keep the audios as my gift.