March 2021 Daily Reflection with Teacher

by Mar 2021

This post is part of a monthly series of complimentary channelings from Miriandra Rota. Each month you will find a new channeled guidance, sometimes from Expanded Consciousness, Merlin, The Divine Mother, The Seven Teachers, and many surprise โ€œguestsโ€!

โ€œYou are ever changing, transforming, incarnating more of the truth of who you are, and in a nut shell, you are becoming more fantastic by the minute. So letโ€™s get cracking on this topic of who you are becoming, shall we?โ€


โ€œGreetings glorious wondrous beings! Greetings to you! I am Teacher and I come forth to speak with you about so many things, but for this speaking, I would like to talk about who you are becoming. You see, there is or has been much talk about you and your expanded consciousness…and thatโ€™s a good thing, I suppose. Yet… you are not a staid being. You are ever changing, transforming, incarnating more of the truth of who you are, and in a nut shell, you are becoming more fantastic by the minute. So letโ€™s get cracking on this topic of who you are becoming, shall we?

โ€œYes, you know or will know one day that you are divine beings. And of course I am not denying that, but perhaps augmenting that knowing. You are incarnate and while incarnate, are dealing with the cause and effect. Now this dealing with the cause and effect can be quite lovely until something happens, perhaps to or with you or your loved ones, or happens in the world. What I am saying is that physicality will continue to give challenges. Why? Why does physicality continue to give challenges, especially since you are an awake being, especially since you are a spiritual being, and more so perhaps, especially because you know that you are divinity incarnate? Ah! All good questions! Hereโ€™s the answer.

โ€œI am not going to talk about this being a time of great change. Thatโ€™s obvious. I am not going to talk about the challenge of the illusion and the distortion holding on to its grasp of physicality. No. I am talking about you. You see, there continues to be that yearning within your being to experience physicality in a way that supports truth itself. And the reason that you want to experience physicality in that way is simply because you did once long ago. Your cellular structure holds those memories simply because the Akashic of your histories resides within the encodings of your being.

โ€œSo then, your beingness, that of you that extends waaay back in the time stream, remembers, remembers the loveliness of physicality as it formed before you for the purpose of delighting you, for the purpose of experiencing your laughter and joy, and for the purpose of continuing to give to you an avenue to experience the truth of who you are. That is what you remember. You were not quite as dense in form as you are now and neither was physicality.

โ€œYet as you played in physicality, you began to enjoy it so very much that you delved into creation itself. And physicality made itself according to your creative wishes. This journey continued until you began to try to manipulate physicality while residing within it. That changed everything. Now this was an innocent journey there is no blame to be felt for the next step. You see, when you delved into physicality and tried to create while within it, you released the magic, to so speak, you released your divine-essence participation… without realizing it. Then, physicality refused to bend itself to your desires. You became a bit frustrated and began to demand that physicality produce itself according to your playful desires. Yet it would not.

โ€œNow what happened is that when you began to demand, you entered into the sleep state. Do you see? You did not realize that you simply had to return to your divine-essence manner of being and everything would continue to unfold before you. Instead, you continued to try different ways to create, yet because your consciousness was asleep to the truth of who you really are, you were unable to cause the manifestations to occur. Then, my dears, you began to create physicality with physicality. And thatโ€™s where everything stands now. Well…not exactly and the not- exactly is what I am leading to.

โ€œWho are you are becoming now is who you have always been, yet you are emerging from that sleep state, the one that occurred when you began to demand or coax physicality to form as you desired. You are emerging from that sleep state and your emergence asks you to let go of trying to manipulate physicality according to your desires.

โ€œNow there are many teachings and teachers out there, so to speak who will tell you how to cause physicality to manifest what youโ€™d like, including cars, homes, relationships, everything. Yet. Yes, I am here to invite you to dare to participate in something else, something different, something that will assist you to continue to emerge from that sleep state. You see, when you following those teachings and trying to manipulate physicality, you are holding on to the sleep state which says that you are less than divine and that there is a trick to making physicality do what you want it to do. Do you see how such a participation is so very much like the histories of your entry into the sleep state? It is.

โ€œThen I would firstly say that if you are participating with any of those teachings, that is not a wrong or bad thing. It is simply a phase, a part of your journey into knowing truth and who you are, whilst you are awakening to who you have always been. Itโ€™s a good journey, my dear ones. Yet perhaps you are ready for this next phase. Letโ€™s see, shall we.

(continued below)


The Divine Motherโ€™s Messages of Truth

Transforming, Uplifting and Deeply Meaningful

Hello Friends,

Something wonderful has happened! It all began last spring when a soft voice came into my consciousness, a voice that I knew well. The Divine Mother said that she would like to speak a book. She wasnโ€™t kidding!

I began channeling the Divine Motherโ€™s book that spring. As her words flowed forth, I came to realize that this would be no ordinary book. The teachings were deep, meaningful and entered into unexpected topics like the DNA of the Time Stream, the Whys of War, Challenging Illusion, as well as guidance for personal deep inner journeys. In the end, there were thirty-two speakings!

I am excited to announce that The Divine Motherโ€™s Messages of Truth is now available!

Hereโ€™s what this amazing book includes:

  • Thirty-Two deep and meaningful original teachings
  • Eleven never-before-released Mystical Gold Classes with the Divine Mother
  • Seven Reflections-Over-the Years with the Divine Mother

Friends, The Divine Motherโ€™s Messages of Truth is an amazing volume of over 400 pages filled with your adventure into some of the most expanded truths you will ever find. This is your opportunity to enter into a spiritual evolution, a pathway into the deeper truth of who you really are and who we are together!

I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to offer this volume with love and best wishes for your continued fulfilling journey,

โ€œNow what the next phase is asking you to do is to let go of the belief that you need to make something happen. Yes, you are perhaps in the midst of a difficult time. Yes, there are things that you must do in physicality. I understand that. Yet letโ€™s talk a bit about your manner of relating to what you believe you must do. If you accept that physicality is giving to you a must-do moment or phase, thatโ€™s all right. Yet when you go forth, remember that you are the divine essence experiencing yourself incarnate. You are the divine essence of the All and you are still playing within physicality… simply because you are alive and reside in that physical body, your vessel.

โ€œYet while all of this is occurring and you are doing your very best within this journey that might hold within it some challenges, some difficulties, there is something else that you can be doing and it is that something else that Iโ€™d like to share with you. If you would take a few moments each and every day and within those moments set aside all the concerns about survival, all the concerns and worries, and just be for that moment. Take a few deep breaths and tell your thinking mind to take a rest also. Now most of you know how to do that, but perhaps youโ€™ve been too busy to actually remember the gift that residing for a few moments in peace can give. Thatโ€™s all right. Itโ€™s not a crime to be busy.

โ€œYet within these few moments, I ask you to dare to try something different. I ask you to access your Akashic cell memory, the one that holds the truth of your beginning journey, the memory that holds within it the delight in residing incarnate, the one that holds within it the memory of laughing and playing and enjoying simply being alive in physicality. Now how do you access those encodings of the Akashic that resides within your being? Remember, we are not talking about residing in your physicality, even though we say the patterns reside within your cellular forming. The reason that they reside within your cellular forming is because they are all part of your soul histories. Whenever you reside incarnate, those soul histories come with you. And it is the soul history of awakening to truth that begs you to continue to journey toward truth itself.

โ€œYet here is another history and it is the one that I have been speaking of. It is actually the beginning of your memories or histories of incarnating. And you might be wondering how you can go that far back in your histories simply because you have had hundreds or perhaps thousands of lifetimes. But the good news is that that memory, that history is the most alive. Any? Why is the beginning history most alive? Because, my dears, it holds the true essence of that which you are, unhampered by the sleeps state. Ah! Now you are getting to have a hint of where we are going with all of this!

โ€œSo then, letโ€™s just journey in this manner together, shall we? Itโ€™s not difficult and anyone can do this, so don’t allow your human nature to think that he or she cant do this because you are just not spiritual enough, not advanced enough. After all, this is your beginning. Itโ€™s all yours. In a manner of speaking, it is all you.

โ€œSo then, while you are reading these words, just take a few minutes and breathe deeply and bring yourself to peace. Go ahead and do that now.

โ€œNext, tell your thinking mind that you will think about all of this later, but for now you want to have the experience first. Now if youโ€™ve never spoken to your thinking mind, thatโ€™s all right. Itโ€™s easy. Just begin with the words, ‘Thinking mind…’ and then say the words that Iโ€™ve suggested. You might think that this wonโ€™t work, but it will. You see, your thinking mind canโ€™t come to any conclusion about any of what we are doing together until you have the experience. Then it can decide about it. But thatโ€™s a long way from the present moment, isn’t it. So, just take a moment and tell your thinking mind to rest until you are finished with giving this a try.

โ€œNext, I ask you to close your eyesโ€”after you receive these wordsโ€”and bring your awareness to the area around your body-physical. You might call this your auric field, but I am asking you to go a bit further outward and bring your awareness to the etheric field, which resides on the outside of your auric field. You see, the etheric field is filled with perfection of being, with truth and light, and of course the ability to restore and regenerate your entire system… but that is another topics for another time. Just bring your consciousness to that filed, the etheric field.

โ€œNow at the top of your crown energy center resides the auric field center and then above that resides the etheric field center. And that is where we would like to reside. Itโ€™s easy if you imagine that you are simply placing your consciousness in that energy center as if it is a spinning globe that is filled with beautiful white luminescent light. So take a few moments and do just that.

โ€œNext requestโ€”yes requestโ€”that energy center, that globe to allow your entry for just a few moments… because you would like to access your encodings of your Akashic records. Now the reason that we access them from this energy center is so that the distortion that has bee woven into the your physical vessel wonโ€™t also distort your ability to receive those records.

โ€œYou might speak the words: by my divine right, I request entry into this energy center for the purpose of receiving the histories of my first residing incarnate. Sounds simple, doesnโ€™t it? Thatโ€™s because it is. After all, you are requesting access to what is you.

โ€œNext, allow. You are not trying to do anything. You are simply allowing those histories to flow forth to you, into your conscious knowing. Now you may receive some pictures, you may receive or feel a flowing of energy, or you may simply feel a type of peace that borders on delight If you don’t experience anything, thatโ€™s all right too. In fact, if you donโ€™t seem to be experiencing anything, it might mean that you have successfully set aside your need, your mindโ€™s need, to interpret anything. In any case, just reside in this manner for as long as you can. You might find yourself nodding off a bit and that simply means that you are full. You have received what you have requested.

โ€œThen, simply remember to give gratitude for and to the etheric field center, and return to your body-physical fully and completely, anchoring yourself in your feet. Then rest for a moment.

โ€œNow donโ€™t bring your mind to the forefront yet, my dears. Just allow yourself to reside in peace. Take a few deep breaths and let go of the entire experience.

โ€œIn the next few days, when you sit quietly, allow those histories to come forth for you. You might receive some images or as Iโ€™ve suggested, peace bordering on delight. What is actually happening is the activating of those encodings within your incarnate being.

โ€œNow this activation will bring you to a new manner of residing. What will it be? Well, it will be different for everyone, of course. Yet what is begging to occur in your journey is the memory that you are one with everything. Now you know that intellectually, perhaps. Yet this is an experiential occurrence. You begin to recognize that what forms before you is a direct result of the truth of who you are and the more that you let go of trying to make physicality be as you wish it to be, the more that you are returning to the truth of who you are and who you have always been. Do you see!

โ€œThis is exciting, my dears. This avenue brings you to the moment when all, the all, forms before you and you can actually recognize its forming. Remember now, when you begin to become frustrated at physicality’s not forming to what youโ€™d like, or if you begin to want to demand what youโ€™d like to have, then you are being tempted by those old histories, those histories that led you into the sleep state and the distortion of untruth.

โ€œBut now you have another way of dealing with all of that, donโ€™t you. Just sit quietly and return to the etheric field energy center and proceed once again as we have together. There is no limit to participating in his manner… because there is no such thing as limit when it comes to the truth of who you are… the All taking form.

โ€œNow if you pay attention to what begins to occur about you, you might be delighted to discern changes and these changes will begin to be made manifest…for you… as they did long long ago. Just allow and be delighted. Let go of trying to grasp on to what becomes your delight. Itโ€™s tempting because your human nature wants so very much to make that delight staid, but that isnโ€™t possible. All of this manifesting always occurs in the moment, this moment called eternity.

โ€œAh well, it seems that we have had a chance for another chat together and I can say that I, Teacher, have enjoyed this particular chat so very much… because it brings you to a more expanded awareness and experience of who you truly are. Experience! Thatโ€™s the ticket!

โ€œThen until we speak again, I am Teacher and I say the words: so be it.โ€

You may download a PDF of this channeling on the archive page